Thursday, January 28, 2010

thy suffer

My favourite line in the recently published article in ES magazine is the slebs portion of the the essay.

In Hollywood, no interview with Scarlett Johansson or Angelina Jolie can occur without the majority of space being dedicated to the hardships they endured on a charity trip across the dusty plains of starving Africa and of course, the realisations they made there and the spiritual growth that ensued. What they fail to include is that they flew on a private jet with a retinue of make up artists, stylists, personal trainers and journalists to chronicle their pilgrimage of pain. ---helen kirwan taylor--

I’m no stranger to experience suffering, poverty, hunger, hardships. Up until now, I see it everyday. I need not volunteer in the soup kitchen to gain enlightenment. Growing up with a central artesian well, sleeping inside a mosquito net made me appreciate the finer things in life like running water or window screens. Poverty was all around. But as one cliche puts it, charity begins at home. Just be kind and humble in our daily interactions. We don't need photographers for a good deed,

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