Friday, July 27, 2012

do BFFs exist?

i view bridesmaids more as a drama than a comedy. i don't particularly find it funny. hitting rock bottom isn't funny. being usurped by somebody younger, richer, prettier as a best friend to one's BFF isn't particularly hilarious. it mirrors life in a lot of ways. we're deemed losers if we don't achieve a certain milestone at a certain age. but Annie (Kirsten Wiig) is not looking at the right angle. she may lose her so-called best friend but she still has her baking talents. she has that chris o'dowd character ( yes, the guy from The IT crowd is going places) hovering for a little bit of attention. her mother seems to have a top notch personality and a cozy abode when one is  in need of shelter.

i know a wedding shower present of blast from the past memorabilia cannot compete with a free trip to Paris. it's a shallow world out there, and tricky. our best friends sometimes get deluded with free, expensive stuff while we're struggling in emotionally and financially.

but all the loose ends (this, being a movie) get tied up in the end. although the wedding ceremony appears tacky. too much confection isn't altogether picturesque.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

tiny shoes

i'm in pain and exhausted.

there are stuff we share and there are a few delicate matters we only tell the most important of people.

there was this comment on Facebook, "now, you're one of us." i know nems ( the mother of three who wrote the comment) well, although i haven't seen her since '95. those were pretty blunt words. motherhood is like cult in my age group. the mothers seem to have an air of superiority. there's struggle in child care but who cares, they're mothers. i spawn therefore, i am. childlessness = spinsterhood.

but for me, the coolest ones are my single friends. they have more free time. they have a lot less drama in their day to day. they're more loaded. they can travel.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

relax, relax, relax

was hospitalised for two days and discharged on saturday. one of those scary jolts when my BP was too high in the day unit that i have to stay over for monitoring and perhaps early induction. i arrived at clinic in the afternoon and was handed over from one staff to the other that not a single soul informed the hubby and me the plans overnight. the safer route was admission (i presumed) then go from there.

i never liked being confined in hospital, i tend to compare staff behaviour and do the call bell audits in my head. it's like being in prison. nobody visits, the husband couldn't wait to go to work during the day. the ward has a different system and wants you to queue to avail of meals, if you're connected to the ctg monitor, you'll likely miss it.

at least ning was there with her no-fuss, newborn princess. the patients in my bay were deep into drama. being held and observed is kind of dramatic, the science of infection, the hindrance of increased circulating blood volume, the musicality of a baby's wail were brought to my forefront. the staff succumbed to a myriad of queries, bombarded with admissions at the last minute. some have manners. a few are very good. as for me, i read to chill and play the waiting game.