Saturday, July 21, 2012

tiny shoes

i'm in pain and exhausted.

there are stuff we share and there are a few delicate matters we only tell the most important of people.

there was this comment on Facebook, "now, you're one of us." i know nems ( the mother of three who wrote the comment) well, although i haven't seen her since '95. those were pretty blunt words. motherhood is like cult in my age group. the mothers seem to have an air of superiority. there's struggle in child care but who cares, they're mothers. i spawn therefore, i am. childlessness = spinsterhood.

but for me, the coolest ones are my single friends. they have more free time. they have a lot less drama in their day to day. they're more loaded. they can travel.


fruslittleduckhouse said...

Saw that comment Shiv and I could not help wincing. The whole sorority makes me cringe inwardly but then I am just a wee minority. The other day, the flips asked me to contribute for a snazzy new crib to one of the moms. I'm like whut?! A singleton who supports two elderly parents and two young nephews the third world dole out to a two-income family in the first world? I'm buying Diodetta's baby Dr. Seuss or Maurice Sendak. I read Jeremy Rudyard Kipling when he was 3 mos--no pictures just me doing voices.

I wish I can travel but my finances are precariously near the red since working part-time. Full-time work gives me hives--the drama, the politics, the cliques, and the subtext racial contempt. I just wanna go to Macchu Pichu.

freezejas said...

joy, I'm such a cliche -- tired from the lack of sleep. Hope to write a little bit more to you next time.