Friday, November 14, 2014

nobody will read that.....

I love the world of reading. And writing. Yesterday, I heard a comment in the middle of work elucidating that nobody reads blogs. In this ever changing, improving world where certain media is obsolete, where we have choices, whether we prefer print or the internet, I say to the commenter, you're not only archaic, you yourself is obsolete. I no longer buy newspapers when certain ones are being distributed for free. Likewise, what's the point in parting with the pennies to gain access to a media paywall? There are other outlets that provide insights and analysis without the hassle of handing over cash. There are also better views and news in blogs than most media outlets.

Sometimes after daily encounters with some really chosen people, perspective is easy to absorb. Those of who have never been exposed to poverty and hardships, been spoiled and selfish all their lives and feel that the world owe them special favours and privileges need to really look into their inner self and travel to third world countries and see the machinery of a government that don't care about its people. Trying to gain understanding about those who have so much less in life in countries we sometimes deny their existence will make us better persons.

But people are most of the times ingrained and embedded in their beliefs. If they think they should be the first and foremost in the competition of life, so be it, go write and read in your paper.