Friday, July 27, 2012

do BFFs exist?

i view bridesmaids more as a drama than a comedy. i don't particularly find it funny. hitting rock bottom isn't funny. being usurped by somebody younger, richer, prettier as a best friend to one's BFF isn't particularly hilarious. it mirrors life in a lot of ways. we're deemed losers if we don't achieve a certain milestone at a certain age. but Annie (Kirsten Wiig) is not looking at the right angle. she may lose her so-called best friend but she still has her baking talents. she has that chris o'dowd character ( yes, the guy from The IT crowd is going places) hovering for a little bit of attention. her mother seems to have a top notch personality and a cozy abode when one is  in need of shelter.

i know a wedding shower present of blast from the past memorabilia cannot compete with a free trip to Paris. it's a shallow world out there, and tricky. our best friends sometimes get deluded with free, expensive stuff while we're struggling in emotionally and financially.

but all the loose ends (this, being a movie) get tied up in the end. although the wedding ceremony appears tacky. too much confection isn't altogether picturesque.

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