Friday, January 08, 2010

piercing ice

The cold snap made me oversleep today. That’s my lame excuse. I practically consume a weird sense of self-hatred whenever I oversleep. Imagine the chores I could have done during the time I spent sleeping . But we are not perfect in every situation. My feet specifically are not used to the rigors of snow flakes and blizzards. I should have taken a cue from Rian. Go to the sales, buy the appropriate protection . But naah, I risk looking like a twat in the freezing conditions. The pavements are going to be slippery for the next month or two. Except for the hazards of falls and the likes, it’s like any other day with the number of cars on the road and the biting workload for polka dots sake. It’s only the buses that are running later than ever, all others are in smooth order.

However, I enjoy looking at the view of Hampstead Heath. I like poring over the snow pictures. The romantic ambiance never fail to stir one’s dormant emotions. The trees are enveloped in white spectre , capturing a luminous essence. But once all the ice melt, despite the muddy aftermath, the general feeling should be well and good.

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