Sunday, January 17, 2010


Despite checking the meterological state frequently, I still missed signing on for the big thaw. One day I was skating through the ice with my no-frills shoes, the next day I was fuming, wearing my inappropriately spiked footwear on a wet, defrosted pavement. That’s what I get hiding in a cocoon for one fine day, I get oblivious to the menagerie of the outside world. Last week I forgot to wear my snow shoes after work and I traversed icy conditions through the journey home, balancing at intersections, holding on to the pole, just to prevent myself from falling.

The temperature has currently settled down at above 40 degress in the Fahrenheit scale. The sidewalks are now cleared of the gray slush that congregates when the pure fluffly ice dissolves. It’s only January. I’m unaware of the February forecast as of this moment.

Spring is a long time coming.

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