Monday, January 18, 2010

good souls

i don't have anything to whinge about in this time and age of £40 million savings and recession. but i'm utterly flabbergasted by the extra workload and people who are just taking the piss for not lending a hand with the cleaning and the heavy lifting. my job as a manual labourer is debilitating. it's under appreciated in the grand scheme of things. but i don't mind scrubbing the toilets just to ensure i have food on the table. probably it's all too much to ask for a little bit of physical support from the computer-staring charge folks.

but there are good souls out there at the workplace. they are absolutely adorable. they're not brown nosing curmudgeons. but all too generous with their time and strengths. they speak softly. well, they don't actually speak softly. but they're there when you need them. i salute thee, guys. if you happen to read this piece, i know you know who you are.

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