Sunday, October 16, 2011

five years

Milan 2011
we're celebrating five years of marriage the whole week from tomorrow, eight years total.  time is of the essence. aagh, cliche.  time zooms faster than light. let's go straight to the jugular vein.  i hate questions about babies and pregnancies.  we try. we try. we try.  the two intrauterine deaths or stillbirths still hurt.  the eight-week miscarriage is even more excruciating. the undue, prolonged bleeding -- petrifying.  but as i said, we can still try.  

we're too poor for IVF.  other than childcare aches, we're on the edge of fascinating, no less exciting, not so sublunary. we discuss a whole lot of  topics.  we read the papers.  we read books.  now we travel together. we watch sports. he accompanies me to experience the sheer torture of watching straight plays.

he cooks. i cook sometimes. we go to nando's. he knows his way around anywhere in the world.  i get lost in bloody london bridge station.  there are screams, definitely.  and loud music.  i have a lunacy against loud music, rants and  gripes about the social noises.  but lessons are learned.
the hugs and kisses are great!


rian said...

congrats Anthony and Shivaun!!!!!!!!

freezejas said...

thanks ry! enjoy married life!