Thursday, October 13, 2011

the mosaic moment

in the mosaic peek for dynamic views lay-out. my photo above doesn't count. Blogger is owned by Google and i'm typing this on my phone, which is a registered trademark of Apple. two computer operating software giants don't become compatible right away.

my favourite app is the Google app on my phone followed by Blogger, then maybe Facebook. I search a lot of names, whatever takes my fancy. There was an instance I looked up Ava Gardner which lead me to Frank Sinatra and his children to Lauren Bacall and her liberal leanings.

if I have more money, I'll probably have a Mac. but since a PC is all I can afford, a PC it is, such is our fate. for all the Mac people I know; Joy, Irvs, JZ, Victoria, JP -- how I wish. my envy is irrepressible.

and my phone, which i use all the time, would continue to fly high and innovate even sans the genius of steve jobs.

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