Thursday, October 06, 2011

pushing more pens

there would always be time to write for bloggers.

after the first scene in the film the social network, the main protagonist/ antagonist mr. zuckerberg wrote a scorching blog about his ex-girlfriend, delineating her bra size and the origin of her family name. if you're in the ex-girlfriend's shoes, it wasn't the least amusing to be ridiculed in the internet, for all the world to read.

despite not using real names, there would always be a hint of the person, the subject of the piece. the individual who did us harm, the object of biting remarks, is usually described in every engaging detail. she/he could burn or get buried alive in 140 characters through twitter and Facebook status or turn into dust after the smoke has settled down through paragraphs after paragraphs in a blog platform.

is it worth it to maim someone in writing? most probably not. in my case, they deserved every word of repugnance. but it's easier for healing. anger shouldn't be sheltered without words, sometimes we need to set it free.

why couldn't everybody blog?

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