Friday, December 18, 2009

two sharps 2

It’s almost Christmas Day, the date to remember in sharing the love and goodwill, exchanging presents and feasting on the sumptuous dinner. All the celebrations and revelry are on the 25th itself . There's no such thing as noche buena to the English. I’ll contribute my share in the kitchen. I could hardly wait. It has been a joy wrapping the presents.

All the eating is harmful to my health. I 've gained a lot of weight. The recent buzz has been the issue of consuming meat being bad for the environment. I've never evolved into a herbivore. The debilitating cough that was discussed earlier in the blog still weakens my resolve. The combination of snow and rain make it atrocious, especially with the long hours at work and the litter that perpetually awaits. I need some profoundly deep breathing.

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