Thursday, December 24, 2009


Julia Stiles' points about Twitter and my friend Joy’s blog about facebook status updates got me into pondering overdrive. Is writing 140 characters or less about our lives in a minute by minute account signify a substantial contribution to the world at large? My answer is I have no clue.

Quite insightful.

I can’t do twitter on the basis that I’m already on a few social networking sites and it takes too much of my downtime. I very seldom update my status in facebook because I don't log-in daily or several times a day. Plus mobile internet is not part of my phone contract. I’m aware I need a massive phone upgrade.

Facebook interfaces differ from phone to computer. The pages are different when I'm bored out of my wits amongst snobs and I'm tweaking the hubby's phone for comfort. I was once checking my facebook page last summer in the pub when a high-falluting brunette spinned it into the word networking. “So you’re networking,” she muttered with raised eyebrows. I don’t like that word, networking. It sounds blase and trivial. She was not even acknowledging my existence in that table. Me, being brown skinned, flat nose and all. I have no idea why she’s a facebook “friend, ” at any rate. She could be one of those people who would not give one a chance because she does not speak like Keira Knightley or Jude Law. But I keep her amongst my “ friends.” She might have the information to the dead language of ancient civilizations.

Of course, when I surf the internet, I get lost in the black hole. I start with updates from Tito Alfie and read the news from home to the broadsheets and tabloids from way back since adolescence. I won’t be able to find my way for hours. I read the interesting blogs. Sometimes I don’t get to find the time to update my blog because I’ve got to run the diurnal errands and fill the stockings with tokens. Like right now. But I was able to type this blog first. There’s my breakthrough.

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