Thursday, February 10, 2011

frolic in the library

for those of us who grew up before the internet, the library was right there with bookstores, museums and galleries as the place of fun and relaxation. that is if you're into books, art and all the boring stuff frowned upon by the majority. as the economic cuts bite, a fifth of london libraries are threatened with closures. for kids who like to read, share a room with siblings, live with parents, cannot afford and can only borrow books, the library is a place of worship and that writer in the standard says, succour. i relayed this news to a colleague whose kids' (one is already in oxbridge and the younger one has the same grades and could be in her way) love of books is truly inspiring, and she said that this piece of tidbit might cause her children's heart attack (her words). her brainy duo read at least one book a day usually borrowed from the local library and the likes. my colleague is one lucky mother and she's far from a tiger mom. aside from enjoying being surrounded by books, the lovely youngsters are not fascinated by brand names and quite adept in stretching their pennies. while i'm close friends with a few who would push their energies to own a hermes handbag.

a good kid who reads and excel in a chosen endeavour, that's the ultimate ambition for our children. if they grow up kind and besieged in humility, wouldn't that be nice? is it nature, nurture when it comes to child rearing?

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