Thursday, February 03, 2011

four degrees

it's four degrees outside as i'm right here inside a heated building, jotting down the grocery list. ah february, the only month with 28 days. my youngest brother's birthday and my eldest nephew's fall on the second month of the year. our dearest bryce is turning nine and another baby brother on the way and all i could think about are expenses relating to tuition fees, student lodgings, accommodations, allowances. my nephews are terrific. amazing products of c-beebies, nickelodeon and their hybrid environment. they live in a highly child-centred, domesticated milieu up in the northeast england.

the filipino diaspora community is always about children parties and christenings as i surmise, or flying the coup for europe or america during the big day, for the sake of travel or to avoid the claws of the chatter groups.

the chatter groups, or the gossip central, who are the people belonging to the select club? should they get an invite in all our special shindigs? should friends be ranked according to closeness and importance? table assignments tend to be awkward. oh, confound.

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