Monday, November 02, 2009

second november

all souls day has long been over in the philippines as of this writing. i remember the prelude to the all saints day of my childhood, my mom would read the prayers and my lola dels and lola cel would kneel and utter the benediction. the rituals of the past seem hovering by the mindset as i walk and walk the alley ways of the present, performing tasks that envelope our structure. i'm not huge on religion but going to the independent church with lola cel was embedded in my pre-pubescence life. just as the cemetery hoopla on all saints day are de rigeur in my salad days. until now, i'm still in the experimental stage with my valenciana. sadly, mom, lola dels and lola cel are no longer with us. three role models who taught me all the good manners no finishing school in switzerland or a posh boarding school in the middle of nowhere of the english countryside could ever inculcate to an impressionable waif.

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