Sunday, November 08, 2009

rob pats scrawl

Robert Pattinson is a huge movie star. His role of Edward Cullen in the Twilight film franchise, based on the series of novels written by Stephanie Meyer, catapulted the fledgling young actor from Barnes, London into undulated stardom. I read an article about him before all the hoopla. The interview was conducted prior to his flying to Portland, and shooting the first Twilight movie. Those were the days when he was still living in London and his primary claim to fame was the role of Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I haven’t seen the fourth Harry Potter film at the time and when I did, I was gushing about this young man’s good looks. As showbusiness is mostly about looks and image first and talent second, you’ll know he’ll go places. Although luck overpowers beauty, talent or whatever skills imaginable in any job or work settings in the milky way.

In the Vanity Fair interview, the writer compares all the fanfare to Leomania, immediately post Titanic. But since I haven’t even seen Titanic through this day, I wouldn’t even know the difference. Both Leo and Rob are simply gorgeous and Leo has done a spectacular job in adding more gravitas to his acting mettle and body of work. While Rob is merely 23 and is still coming to grips into being the target of those pesky paparazzi. He’s also English. I know in the conclusion of the Vanity Fair piece, he was lauded as the next Hugh Grant. But Hugh Grant is public schoolboy, Oxford grad, a son of privilege. Rob is, I just reckon, despite the posh accent, in a more reachable class. Hopefully after all the madness comes the realizations, that talent, even in the brutal, highly-manufactured entertainment industry, should rise above good looks any time, any day.

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