Saturday, November 07, 2009

do live, do travel

According to London think-tank, the Legatum Institute, the most prosperous nations in the world, in ascending order, are as follows: 20. Slovenia 19. Spain 18. Hongkong 17. France 16. Japan 15. Austria 14. Germany 13. Belgium 12. UK 11. Ireland 10. New Zealand 9. USA 8. Netherlands 7. Canada 6. Australia 5. Norway 4. Denmark 3. Switzerland 2. Sweden 1. Finland.

What no Singapore? The investment group looked into nine key factors such as personal freedom, health, education, democratic institutions, safety and security, governance, economic fundamentals, innovation, trust and social cohesion. Except for the obvious choices from North America, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Japan, the remaining 12 countries are mostly from Europe. Damn, I haven’t travelled much. But I’m acquainted with people who have more or less circumnavigated the globe and I’m living vicariously through them.

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