Tuesday, November 03, 2009


I’m watching a chopper show on the Discovery Channel at the moment. Since I couldn’t find the clicker, I’m left gazing at the visuals and hearing the voiceovers. So men bitch when it comes to engines and motors? I thought it was the blondes-only clique savage attack at the brunettes in The Apprentice that makes me squirm. In my professional universe, I have lots of questions to ask. How could people who are rude and temperamental still have friends? If somebody is provoked, I could understand the same high-pitched retaliation. But a slight banter or a light nudge does not deserve disrespect. Abrasive personalities exist within our midst. There are those who sport highly-flammable façade but there lie a lovely inner core. Some others are just damn awful. They go hot and cold. You’ll never know when they’ll strike you with a deadly venom as their posse let them get away with their abrasive, barbaric personalities. They shouldn’t really. The good natured earthlings deserve better confidants than Aaron Eckhart’s character in The Dark Knight.

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