Friday, September 25, 2009


It’s still September, in the early days of autumnal cool. The chilly breeze is actually growing on me, lifting the spirits to push my feeble disposition towards movement and productivity. There’s no point feeling low just because it’s cold. Getting motivated is a formidable imposition. The night before I was supposed to study for a test and as per usual I fell asleep, gotten to grips with only one topic out of many and discovered this afternoon that even the most intelligent of individuals believe in myths and absurdities. Quite a tangled web of algorithms, really.

In the glow of the computer screen, I’m digesting the stacks of notes I’ve got to chew and incorporate in the mundane routines. With the delicate slice of worry-free days far too rare especially in the next week, I’m clueless on how to accomplish the task of poring over the tiny print in those handouts. Keeping up with my kitchen duties is already a challenge. Still, I’m heaving a sigh. The cursor can blink indefinitely. But there’s no time to wallow.

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