Sunday, January 20, 2008

ysabella postlude

it was a crappy seven months and the good thing was, i wasn't able to subscribe to TFC. my account seems incompatible or unacceptable, whatever. i had to go through the backdoor to gain web access to ysabella's downloads. the ending would have been the consolation, with the teleplay's blatant loopholes. but televison being the writer's medium got entangled with freudian fantasies. to the powers that be, not all of us are besotted with six-packed abdominal muscles, or playgirl magazine's centerfolds. there are a few individuals who cerebrate. of course, soaps are not intruments for cerebrating. nevertheless it's an escape from the dreariness of reality. to sell ysabella as a juday-ryan material and kill ryan's character not once but twice to launch a career is simple injustice. if i knew, i wouldn't have wasted my time.

i don't care about twists. ysabella's plot was already prolonged. some storylines did not generate their necessary finishing touches. why i saw little of aiza's character, i don't know. ratings-wise, the world does not revolve around metro manila. plus early evening programming is crammed with four soaps of different genres and are pitted against the same crop of confounding dilemmas from the rival network. in the early part of the new millenium, two or three serials were enough to whet this appetite for dramatic fictions. these are the days when sitcoms are no longer considered sound investments and these so-called teleseryes are a means to drive a struggling democracy forward.

anyway, i only followed ysabella because of the obvious. my friends know. my husband is a witness to my daily quirks and finds it amusing.

definitely looking forward to ploning and the beauty of cuyo, palawan.

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