Saturday, August 22, 2015

please summer, don't end

It's going to be cold soon. For all the warmth it has delivered, it has been a fab summer with every ray of sunshine. Compared to the cold months there are more people roaming the streets during summer. There's the catch, despite the warmth, it's claustrophobic. I never liked the shoulder to shoulder or skin to skin traffic in rock concerts or train stations I don't like crowds, there's more comfort to having less people.

This year, I've never been really outside North London. Unlike last year, there has been no plane rides anywhere and also unlike last year, the hubby and I no longer use a pram for the little girl. I find it hard to navigate anywhere pushing a pram. In the two and a half years, it was such a strain, especially when utilising public transport. It's still hard with sweetie walking next to me because she wants to run and run. She's a kid. They have so much energy. Unlike me, I find it hard to keep awake during the day after a night's work. I succumb to sleep if ever there's downtime. Like this Saturday, I couldn't keep awake, the hubby had somewhere to go and I have no choice but to persevere through the yawns and stay indoors for the safety of little one.

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