Monday, August 17, 2015

refrain, in a song

Ours is a society that is huge on physical appearances. The throng dwells too much on what is pleasing to the eyes. But for those with a sprinkle of insight know that beauty fades over time despite advents in make up and plastic surgery. If one is fortunate enough to be given a platform to utilise a set of skills and talent over a lifetime then there is a glimpse of joy and fulfilment. Hopefully. Sometimes human beings crave for more than what is presented on the buffet table.

If every single human has beauty, talent and intelligence then we wouldn't need to bash on social media (social media is another of those Trojan horses). We should advocate peace and good will to all mankind (I was raised riding on public utility jeepneys and reading their signs). I should really devour The Little Prince as this quote haunts, "what is essential is invisible to the naked eye." Twenty-two years since Ruffa's interview in Miss World and my reading book list is still bereft of The Little Prince.

But we cannot dictate our beliefs in others. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder is not the manta of ugly people. It's not.

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