Friday, June 05, 2015

folding then essay

Essays. Essays. If only technology came much, much earlier than 1995. If only my parents had more insight into handling the family's finances better to nurture my affinity to write. By technology, I mean Windows '95 and its user interface for the mass market and I've already finished my formal education. It has been twenty years since graduation. I'm aware I rattle and I drool when talking about computers. But as a youngster, by merely thinking of typesetters or typewriters I was ecstatic. Even providing typewriters for their children's schoolwork, my parents could not afford or would rather use the money elsewhere. I was composing the harder, longer way. Now I'm writing this pice through my phone before even getting out of bed and I'll be writing my formal essays later on this medium as well, as I try to teach my little Chummy how to write her alphabet.

Essays are the way of life here in the Western Hemisphere. My schooling was more on rote memorisation, not constructing reflections and analyses. I would have relished the said process as an adolescent. Although I would entailed the use of eraser a lot (or use more paper) not utilising the very useful blinking cursor and ❎ key while deleting the previous thought, as I've been doing for almost a decade. Making mistakes with typewriters was even more time consuming and painful, think of broken nails and bleeding fingers.

Well, despite Course submissions and deadlines I still need to process my never-ending, back-breaking chores. Laundry here I come.

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