Saturday, July 02, 2011

competing with the joneses

the movie is not too bad. it's not fantasy, it's all too real. sometimes i wonder why not every single entity who dare compare and compete with the joneses ends up drowned in their backyard swimming pool? what does it say in the desiderata?  

don't compare yourself to others, you'll only become vain and bitter.

not every one is born sucking a silver spoon. not every one go to the poshest school. not every one becomes Bill Gates. not every one is as creative as Picasso or a polymath like Da Vinci.

not every body reads, period. some merely like to trash talk thy neighbours. gossip is lethal. and beauty fades, even Elizabeth Taylor's or Brigitte Bardot's. while others look youthful. Joan Collins, anyone? does she smoke? she might have help from the apothecary.

one or two lovely friends shorter than me, have brimming self-confidence. they just do.

like any other human beings, i hate losing the babies. i also abhor pregnancy questions. in the department of christening parties, i couldn't compete with the joneses.  despite the upheavals, i do the best i can, eat the ice cream and ignore the prying eyes.

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