Tuesday, October 12, 2010

nosh test

it is the truth universally acknowledged (thanks elizabeth bennett) that the type of foods and flavours differ from country to country. what is rice to us Filipinos, is creamed potatoes to some. the other half could certainly stir the afritada and pochero to perfection. but pasta is different, there's not an all-encompassing ode to the Filipino taste. though if i really request for my hometown style spaghetti, the mister would fully grant my heart's desire.

however, i learned my lessons on saturday, pasta bake, the english way, should never be shared to kababayans, lest be derided. "bland, bland, bland, " is the common assertion. plus comments like, he may cook you laswa but if he doesn't eat it, then it's for naught? fine, how about husbands who don't cook regularly. at least mine could grate cheese.

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