Sunday, June 20, 2010

the wrath and amity

Intrigued with Schopenhauer's essay On Women, where he describes that the natural feeling between men is indifference, but between women it is actual enmity. He asserts that even when they meet in the street, women look at one another like Guelphs and Ghibellines. That's only one postulate in an essay full of derogatory remarks about women. It may have been written in late 19th century when women were not the power players that they are today, but this debate on the battle of the sexes is quite stale. In my schoolyears, the girls with their grades and achievements were quite fierce. The boys couldn't subdue the multi-tasking powers of the alpha females. But as none of my classmates have yet to build an empire equal to the world's top billionaires or produce a remarkable piece of literature, our edgy youthful ribbing and bantering is still awaiting to flourish. Enmity is non-existent, friends support each other.

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