Saturday, March 13, 2010

this saturday morning

it's still nippy outside the confines of my shelter. the layers of cover have not come off. although the window displays in the clothes shops are highlighting the vibrancy of spring. the catalogues are conspicuously showing off their summer/spring collections.

i have read the last page of the book i was scanning for months. the pages on hair, hairstyles and the hair saloon business were most enlightening. its focus on religion, culture, snobbery, science, friendship and the likes may reflect the story of london calling but it offers only a tiny glimpse about tolerance. i'll deal more with the subject later.

in other developments, the pound is being pulverized to granules. it means a lot less travel, a lot less ordering take out, scrimping to maximize the currency, that's the tearful reality of the recession and the diaspora.

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