Sunday, March 28, 2010

drizzles and sense

since i'm trapped in the confines of the job most of this week, i shouldn't moan too much about the weather, composed abundantly of drizzles and draft. or so i thought, there were a few downpours during the unholy hours when i hurry home from work and the foreboding heavy clouds may have cloaked the city. where's the sunshine if i may ask?

the report of the hottest summer may still be pure speculation. of course when it's hot, a few people scream for air conditioning and when it's wintry cold, the A/W collection of the fashion world beholds our wooden heart with grace and beauty.

the summer would once again witness a sartorial exfoliation. skirts and shorts would abound, no matter how kadaku the kurikong as my mom used to say.

i have no arguments with women flaunting their lovely assets, as long as it's done with style. i just find it weird that the pale folks equates tanned skin with wealth while my people are besotted with skin-whitening creams.

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