Saturday, July 11, 2009


along with mediterranean diet staples (moderate wine, little meat and lots and lots of fruits and vegetables), foremost in my thoughts this minute is my favorite tag of this blog page, the weather, a topic that is ever agitating, ever aggravating to the senses. a little of bit of drizzle, a bit of gathering of nimbus precipitate once in a week in the summer would be wonderful. but what is a week without checking this site? in the tropics, it was either rain or shine or a typhoon, not a weak storm but a violent, frenzied avalanche of wind and showers that highlights dearth and penury.

fine, i'll wear a coat.

but away with my picnic dreams in the park, i'm going to dance to the funky tunes. as a tribute to the king of pop, i'm going to attempt cavorting my hips to the hits of the jackson5, the jacksons, michael jackson and janet jackson. my party ( i ran for senior class governor in high school) strove to channel janet and her moves with escapade during our campaign rally. it's quite a relief that no video evidence in existence for those monumental youthful frolics.

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