Thursday, July 23, 2009

crisp apple streudels

after a series of shifts at the mining site, i’m back in front of the screen all prepped up to conquer the pole-vaulting metaphors. i never fail to pine for the act of writing, especially when i’m caught in traffic of my unbridled chores. if only the assignments are as thought-provoking as the letters forming all my nuances. why do I have to construct the minutes of the last meeting when all my remaining free time are spent sleeping? but i'm left with nary a choice but to sit still and type, collate the data, replenish my personalized shorthand and divide the topics into decent divisional texts. will-power where art thou?

obviously when i'm in front of the computer screen, all i do is surf my heart out of the latest saga of certain this and that. the tv shows i’m following are recording too slow. i have not paid a visit to the cinema in months. a few movies have been deemed promising -- sunshine cleaning, bruno, the sixth harry potter film. is synocdoche, new york still showing? i want to see Oh My Girl with judy ann and ogie but it’s not flickering in the london klieglights anytime soon. although in these days of clutter and chaos, i should consider sky movies and some dvd’s that i haven’t even taken out of their plastic wraps for months, even years. but this is the time to chill and for raindrops and roses and brown paper packages tied up with strings, to listen to the commentaries of the classic sound of music with julie andrews and christopher plummer.

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