Friday, June 19, 2009

my aging process

today i hit mid-thirties, on the dot. how does that feel? ancient. was it only twenty years ago i felt so young? some things never change. honey still sends me a card, or a present. i still lose a baby almost every year. induced stillbirth is not for the fainthearted. my parents come to mind because mommy was the most thoughtful person i ever knew and my birthday is right smacked into a patchwork of events with dad's death anniversary and his birthday. rubbish, sentiments repudiate the courage that makes us resilient. i'm not great with smokes and junkies, or running around the mawkish grounds trying to concoct sense out of a spiteful and over-indulgent populace. i'm exhausted, even at this moment. all i want is crawl under the sheets and read how a whitbread prize winner views my country with such haughty air. but there's rugby today at twickenham.

smile for the cameras.
relax, go back to alpha. what? what the crap is that?
thanks for all the wonderful, inspiring greetings.
you make my day peeps! now, i've got to do my pedicure.

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