Wednesday, June 10, 2009

den's rappel

such a picturesque view of london.

i'd really like to use the p word to describe my shrieking fear of spiderman tendencies but as it was obscured with a bleep sound in one HBO show, i'd rather not. damn, i'm so chicken. but this is one brave girl, a fascinating superwoman of our times. den's rappel is to raise funds for myasthenia gravis research, a commendable project indeed. she already does her bit of helping the sick and the needy by merely showing up at work. but this? nevertheless, she's an experienced mountaineer, this is merely child's play for her.

on my part, i couldn't thank den enough for the glorious company and for always texting me back whenever i'm falling into a needy trap. cheers, sweetie, to borrow terms from your poster, your gastrocnemius and rectos femoris muscles may provide relief to the myasthenia gravis association. but you're a shining beacon to us all.


den said...

sorry about your nadal, but i'm glad you're back in circulation, thanks for the free plug, coming from you, flattery!

freezejas said...

actually, i'm not a nadal fan.
i'm just not into the crying federer brigade.