Thursday, May 17, 2018

the joys ....

It's easy to write and I've not been writing.  I have monumental paperworks and here I am procrastinating. Where is the discipline?  Maybe if I had discipline since birth, I would do better in life like school.  But even if I did have honors in both high school and university upon graduation, I would still be on the same fulcrum of life's stages.  Nothing would change on life after school. I would still struggle to write and there would still be blockages on acquiring fulfilment.  But there's no such thing as perfection and we just have to keep it cool.

Keeping it cool means being calm and quiet. I have a daughter who is really beautiful (mother-speak) and I have ready-made dinners (or tea, english-speak) every single night.  That's the life.  I don't watch television now. There's you tube plus net-streaming services that are so convenient.  I still pay a lot of money for cable services though, a just-in-case fixture.  Although, now that my daughter is grown, I kind of miss episode after episode of Peppa Pig and Ben and Holly.  Now, she operates her own you tube channel and is quite dedicated to viewing LOL videos.  

As for the monumental paperworks ....

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