Monday, October 20, 2014

fever, colds ...

It's such a puzzle for me, the way I embrace exhaustion with such flourish. Wouldn't it be nice to be relaxed and pampered once in a while? When you have a toddler and it's just you and the husband taking turns running after her, soothe those screams .... it's a delicate situation.

What about child minders? I'm not a sociable person so a paid person is not conducive to my personality while my friends are all busy working.

Whilst members of family on both sides are not based in London.

So it's only mummy and daddy for my tiny tot and the two days tweety bird spends at nursery. The three of us are managing as long as we don't develop a cold and get confined to bed.

As it happened a few days ago, my sweetie was so hot for three straight nights. She has never been that sick so far. If only she was not refusing sponge bath, the brat. But eventually, after much worrying on my part, she gained back her normal body temperature. The lesson is that kids test your fortitude and makes you worry, worry, worry. They also fake-cry and throw tantrums as if adults easily succumb to manipulations.

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