Friday, May 30, 2014

snarky part 2

After a few attempts on miscalls, I got a return call yesterday. Maybe it's just a combination of a full time job (plus overtime), household chores and young children that some people forget to text back and just categorises texts as non-important while I wait for a reply. Or I'm over reacting and too impatient. But I got my answers. So I've got to physically write down the guest list.

As I'm having spots (chicken pox affliction) and hurting at this very moment, my chores are delayed. I also have work related paperworks and photo albums to finish and start, and to continue reading.

As I've been reading about Rizal and the propaganda movement plus the results of the last UK elections, I feel sad in the context of history and cultural beliefs. We should be broad minded, unbiased, humble. We should strive for equality and respect. Despite the passage of time, people are still prejudiced and that is so sad.

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