Saturday, October 12, 2013

with age, comes wisdom?

As such, the writers, of glossies with snippets I ear marked earlier and the opinions above are those of maybe, Gen Y. It shows by reading between the lines. Affirmations that the world is turning a new leaf and every commodity has an expiration date. Was it only yesterday I was waiting in vain for the Del Valle couple to discover the contents of Gardo's diary? Now, the original Mara is in her thirties and her market and demographic is growing older with her. Youth, it seems, equate power. Although when I was younger, I have to ask permission what movies, what shows to watch, not to mention being dependent on my parents for food, clothing and shelter. Of course, young slebs fans are not only concentrated on the youth market. But those in their twenties, with time to spare and fresh graduate money to burn can indulge in the shows and endorsements of their peer group, an age bracket I find utmost difficulty relating as I continue to reach old age with related body aches and milestones. But the genuine talent, who doesn't need the trappings of outside beauty to sparkle, will push aside trends and continue to rise through the heap of wannabes and maybes. In the long run, good looks fade, wrinkles appear and a younger version of an old star will dominate the entertainment scene.

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