Friday, April 06, 2012

is it cold today?

 (photo courtesy of mr. taburada)

jan's egg tartlets reminded me of a friend of a friend, the one with the arrogance and bravado contained in a tiny package.  her words and behavior stung in '06 and they continue to manifest over the years every time i see her or her name is mentioned in random conversations.  then there's ryan's former colleague (they had a photo taken together as recently as a little bit more than 18 months ago), whose bitchiness is a story unto itself.  it's better for the soul to just sprinkle their goodness with frozen shoulders or avoid their presence at all costs.  if not possible, acknowledge their voices only when it's absolutely necessary.

back to jan's tartlets, they're great.  the lady is quite skillful with the whisk (or did she use one? i have no idea about baking).  i would have photographed them but i broke one into two as soon as i got home and ruined the pair's essence.  it would be neat to learn how to make cupcakes.  type2 diabetes runs in my blood but it's the earnest consumption of rice and instant noodles that would impair my insulin production.

anyway, it's good friday today.  we should all be kind.  is kindness becoming rare these days?  hopefully not.


rian said...


who is this voooooman !!!!!!

freezejas said...

you know them both very well. i'll text you their names, just remind me.