Monday, August 29, 2011

right lateral recumbent

wasn't able to attend miggy's (ofie's tot) second birthday party. the daily pill to control the magenta drips is taking its toll during the downtime. it's a big do for the colleagues. it's something i really want to grace with my presence. the hostess is a rarity, the mood swings, which are prominent in most women's stressors, do not affect her. very pleasant lady.

but remaining vertical or going on transit in whatever vehicle would be next to impossible. i had to pass.

there i was yesterday, relegated to seeing usain bolt false start in 100 meters final. one false start disqualification is a hideous rule. followed spurs on sky, i don't mind not having a ESPN, as target practice for the big-spending man city squad at white hart lane. even had a greater shock when the gooners capitulated meekly to the other manchester team.

nevertheless the highlight of my day was the special viewing of Superman II. urged me to tackle a research overdrive on christopher reeve. breaks the heart. nonetheless, we're back to 1980, and swooning over clark kent. there was also a glimpse of superman returns. i'll get back on that later.

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