Wednesday, August 31, 2011

one hour of telly

i watched the hour because of dominic west.  i missed his play butley at the west end.  that would have been a gorgeous treat.  i couldn't seem to sit down and book the tickets.  but there's the hour, a BBC miniseries, about a current affairs program in 1956, with the backdrop of the suez crisis.  the hour is the very definition of boredom. west is not the lead.  he's the upper class, married cad, aiming to steal freddie lyons (ben whishaw) thunder both with the show and bel rawley (romola garai).  there was a conspiracy here and there and the posh drawl seems to be the only accepted accent.  but politics during the time of the cold war and the reflection on the black and white screen leaves me uninspired.  the personal stories of the three main characters create some drama.  but infidelity, was it or still is a common fare?  although they make cigarettes look cool and it's never cool.

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