Monday, November 15, 2010

just a picture

it has been reported that leonardo dicaprio and tobey maguire are slated to appear in The Great Gatsby. such piece of good news, those boys are certainly pleasing to the eyes and i love the tome. what about Daisy? hopefully not Keira Knightley. i don't mind Carey Mulligan. what's the difference between two posh girls who shine through their Queen's English? i don't know but i'd like to see Rosamund Pike.

it's a week of New Moon on Sky Premiere. i don't get Twilight. my nephew does, but he's eight. Kristen Stewart also has this pissed with the world aura. every time i glance at her image, her Bafta speech comes to mind. i couldn't locate the period, the comma and the essence of her rising star speech. in Adventureland, Stewart plays Jesse Eisenberg's love interest. so much sadness and anger in that role. she wouldn't cut it as perky cheerleader.


Bozo said...

hello shivaun!!!!!!

loving your blog!!

i added you to my blogroll LOL..


freezejas said...

you're very sweet. love your blog as well, bo.