Thursday, November 18, 2010


after getting swept by the farscape wormhole (a daily occurence) in this utterly cool thursday night, i've decided to conjure happy thoughts like an invigorating bath or reading until i drift off to dreamland. dealing with egos, blood sugars and the rudiments of heavy lifting deflates my weak flesh. to recharge, my huggable babe and i will be in the theatre next week, to catch a straight play. the lure of the curtain call might be a tantalizing prospect. but through the first act, i would, in all likelihood, feel trapped, bursting to escape even before intermission. not even the dazzling presence of an ian mckellen or a kim cattrall could subjugate my visions of escape. but during the hours i was merely 10 feet from mcnulty, i truly had a magnificent time. it was all about the wire.

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