Wednesday, August 26, 2009

fluid device

gripped and captivated by all the extra readings i’ve been doing on the wire, my net hours are usually spent devouring the reviews and checking references in the wikipedia page. since the emmy’s are looming, it’s a bit of a struggle to comprehend why the hell this show was not noticed by the industry. as far as i observed all the episodes stood out and sparkled with excellent writing and outstanding production values. i, too missed its original run. i had to rely on good word of mouth including president obama’s to join the cult. cheers to the BBC for the thorough reruns.

as politics is one of the recurrent themes of the wire, today is marked with heartfelt grief for the kennedy family with the passing of their patriarch, teddy, a staunch liberal senator from massachusetts, merely weeks after eunice’s funeral. i was surrounded by tons of kennedy hardbounds and paperbacks growing up that i thought JFK was still alive until i learned how to read. my mom even had a vinyl copy of his inaugural speech and we’re not even americans. but as citizens of the world, even then in the camelot era, we are lured by the pervading pop culture, whether it’s the british royalty, american politics, the olympics, pop corn hollywood, the classic films from the far east and europe and so on and so forth. these days, news permeate in fibre optic clicks and twenty four hour channels and the advances have deemed it possible for live feeds from bloggers and twitters to dominate our lives. as it was a generation ago, the boxes are constantly at hand for the ticking, it’s up to the individual whether to go with the party flow.

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