Wednesday, April 15, 2009

snail mail fun

it has been relaxing, however very brief, my respite from all the groaning and the heavy lifting. i still need a dose of two white pills to clear my head. angel cabrera masters triumph remind me of a victory barely two years ago. some guys have all the luck.

i'm no keira knightley fan but i do collect mag covers of john mayer's ex, who like the damsel from posh england, is no web aficionado either. the internet is a useful tool, not altogether "dehumanizing," using the affluent young lady's term. i can't do twitter though. a status update every few hours is simply too revealing for my reclusive outlook of the universe. i don't even text that much anymore. friends and family scatter all over the globe, a mere text accrues a fortune by pressing reply several times. though e-mails are necessary in this day and age, would it be too much to reply with a card or a letter if you're sent a snail mail? i know paper is a fire hazard and a letter is an antiquated form of communication but retrieving a lovely card from the mail compartment remains a splendid treat that an e-card could never replace. it means that despite a hectic, fast paced lifestyle, one person cares enough to visit a post office or depending on one's terrtitory, got access to a stamp and passed by a mail box. it's cheesy but it's true.

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