Thursday, February 05, 2009

weekday lull

time off work is such a laxury that it's a wonder it doesn't happen often. but this is a bad economy to be laid back. the currencies are falling against each other. the banking system is in dire straits. as a master procrastinator, clocking more hours at work to earn the keep remains a wishful thinking. the days off are just too good to waste procrastinating. it's just sad that i don't follow my to-do list to a tee and become bemused and baffled with my lack of productivity. but then i read a bit, sharpen the wits a little and my day becomes more riveting. i'm learning to write poetry, beginning the process by trying to decipher some great poets like keats and TS eliot. still, my day of hoovering, even gyrations to battle it out with the assiduous accumulation of fatty tissues, would cause the most vociferous of gossipmongers to suppress a yawn. now back to johnny panic and the bible of dreams.

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