Wednesday, February 11, 2009

aimless trickles

it was just a mere thought, but it occurred to me while i was shivering in the cold walking away from the workplace. i was going to compile all of jen aniston's mag covers and flick away, she's forty today, a forty year old non-virgin virtually naked on the cover of GQ. but i'm exhausted to the max and there's a date to watch jen's latest chickflick tonight with my loving chef, the significant person who wouldn't spare a dime on frost/nixon because it's only about a feckin interview, his words not mine.

as a dutiful spouse, it would be a privilege to queue for the wrestler, his choice. i sat through joyously on every bit of the blu ray rendition of tropic thunder which is a marvelous dig on the fripperies of hollywood. tropic thunder superseded the hilariousness of superbad. one of its stars, RDj is getting kudos for his performance as the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude. RDj was lovable even in Only You with marisa tomei. i can remember as far back as Chances Are. twenty years seem not so long ago.

the dark knight should have been embraced and lauded by the so-called academy not by virtue of heath ledger's mesmerizing take on the joker but by its star christian bale's exhibiting his amusing invectives on the set of that terminator flick. fine, that tirade has nothing to do with the pulchritude of the dark knight. but i cannot pontificate, the A-list optical illusions that we see on screen are not susceptible to random displays of their dark sides. stars are more devils than angels once they've attained the fame and glory. most of them are divas, primma donnas who consider themselves the savior of mankind. however, my favorite person, julie, is not a sleb. she even touts the bible on sundays. but she's one of the few souls in this world who is very nice to me. while some of the others, in the blue-dark blue continuum are most likely the fairweather adjuncts to all my rants. in fact i like julie more than i like jen, who has more money and who lives in beverly hills. actually, i like all my friends more than i like jen, who can treat her all BFF'S to a holiday in the world's most exquisite beaches. but as i filter my rubbish bin of trashy tabloids, i can roughly surmise that jen is not a diva. yet, she might be the biggest bitch of them all.

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