Saturday, November 08, 2008

mobile stillness

it has been fun just reading and not blogging. i ran out of people and stuff to google, if ever that is possible. i was not interested in the US elections despite the news being all over the blogs and the papers. i was more into the stockmarket, the bank of england interest rates and the enviable bonuses at goldman sachs. i'm finishing up my christmas list and it's hard work trying to recall friends who were particularly nice to me the past year, despite arguments in the drug room over the reflective ennui of dean forrester. the character read hunter s. thompson in the first season and was relegated to marrying in haste and carpentry after that. would have i read fear and loathing in LV in high school? maybe if i had a dishy, dependable dean, not a rebellious jess or prank-playing logan to drool over.

scarred by the catastrophic effects of bad judgments, i'll be in flat confinement in the next few days, barring any phone calls, which seldom happens. i'll try some monica geller's impersonations, i never keep the nooks spic and span. with winter virtually here, the horizon is all dark twenty four seven but the streets are still filled with giddy uzis and incidental shoppers. i'll surf my tita wan's site for a few watercolor treats. she is flying home to bacolod in december in time for christmas reunion and an art exhibit. so if you have the time, check out her etsy page for some charming artworks.


Anonymous said...

thank you, shivaun, for promoting my work. i wish you could join us this december and be at the exhibit. my wish for next year is to have a small exhibit somewhere in ireland or UK.

keep well and smile always. it's free...

freezejas said...

uk or ireland. that would be cool isn't it? we'll definitely come.

got the artworks, by the way.
thank you, thank you.

hug the twins for me ta wan.