Wednesday, February 13, 2008

notes from the weary

i've been totally exhausted the past week. hence the lack of tales and sketches. i merely spent my days off downloading juday's stuff. i have this whirlpool of guilty pleasures that could not cater to some people's inner snob. but i'm having fun watching the clips i would never had the chance to see if not for the magic of internet television. there are a few scathing blogger remarks from detractors. but it's a choice. no one can actually appraise a person's taste. you're either into blur or oasis. or you take side in the very off-putting network war. i can't comprehend the fuss as they actually serve identical menus. in this age of modern technology with freeview boxes, tivo, dvd recorders, skypluses, virgin media, you tube and all other video-sharing websites available for various cultures and entities in this planet, my people are presently stuck in a two-network ratings battle.

at present i'm submerged in the never-ending cyle of accumulating clutter. if i have an enormous house with room for storage, i would have far less worries. or maybe i would still succumb to hoarding more books and magazines i wouldn't have the time to read anyway. but the annoying aspects are not the glossy hard copies of my reading lists but the constant stream of junk mails. even the essential posts are becoming difficult to manage. the advent of mobile phones introduced far more hodgepodge with cellphone boxes and the bills taking up cramped spatial eyesores. with the other paper trails, the shredder comes in handy. do i really need that topshop receipt from eons ago? all these piffles to ponder.

"if you read a little bit that means you're in." was one ditty uttered to me by a colleague two nights ago. i'm still perplexed what she means by "in." she might have thought i was into fashion folios. nah. i live by this edict of director joey reyes, author of porn again, midlife outtakes and mistakes, in his MySpace page, describing the people he would like to meet, "people who are not fixated into self-images and signature outfits, name-dropping and the latest cell phone models." honestly, i would like to meet the same bunch of denizens, those who are not spruced up on burberry but with the heart of gold.

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