Monday, December 24, 2007

a sniff of the holidays

i'm exhausted. that's in addition to this lingering query whether or not i jotted down an entry in one clinical form during the last shift. when the next days are going to be swamped with the holiday grind and the answer wouldn't be until friday, i'm held in deep suspense. again, i've learned some critical insights. if only the world doesn't screech to a halt during christmas day in the uk.

my brother P woke up at three am on the 25th to prepare the menu for a christmas day with my parents at the hills. the thought of losing my dearest mom and dad still reverberates, especially when i get condescending stares and vehemence from the wicked witches of the north who never ceased to manifest their tempers to the world, while my folks were taken away from us. but the stares are no longer as rooted as the early days of the year. the change of scenery breathe a few perspectives professionally. although i want nothing more than for my brothers to glide along in career contentment.

this year, no matter how tacky, we got a christmas tree. i'm so reluctant to let go of the presents. they're nice adornments. the tree would be so bare without them. it remains to be seen how long can i last without opening one wrapped item. coming up with only a middling array of gifts for the eternal loved ones didn't deter my "no-time-to shop" mindframe in reveling in the spirit of the season. although i know this so-called christmas free time would soon fade as i'll be stuck welcoming the new year in the pink walls of our work station. would the new year fireworks be grand? we'll see.

happy christmas everyone!

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