Tuesday, December 31, 2024

On life and offspring

 For my daughter’s update, she lost her phone.  The insurance has not replaced it yet but the trauma for a young child. She needs her phone definitely.  Twelve is an age of wonder and she needs the data box of a more modern phone.   

My daughter has lost her Piano and Musical Theory teacher this year.  We did not even know she was sick.  We love Nadia. It was hard to replace Nadia on Saturdays but Natalya was kind enough to include us during a late evening class on a weekday and she goes to our house rather than us going to her place.  

My wish is for my daughter to practice more Piano and definitely more Violin.  Play more in Public or play more in Church.  Do the dances or ballet I know she is capable of performing.  Orchestra clashes with football this term. She has to give up football.  Getting into the orchestra takes precedence and it’s a challenge to join more extra-curricular activities as academics are hard enough for children.  I’m so relieved Maths is a strong subject. But it needs to be stronger.  Maths is the precursor to all the Sciences.  Science and maths are the key to life.  I love Geography and History.  I pray she would appreciate History.  She does not like it at the moment. But in time, I’m hoping.  She is studying Latin, Italian and French.   Have this belief in Latin, Chi. And study harder.  

As for me, I’m hoping to eat healthy and move more, do more exercise, dance more. Sometimes there is no motivation to do anything.  I wake up so early for work.  My daughter not needing me as much has taken its toll with the Step count.  I have not done as many Sick and mostly it’s because of the weather.  But all’s well.

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